In the end of the 2009 we had decided to give our rich history a new face that would help us enter the future and present the soul of the organization to our constituency.
The history of IOGT International will soon reach over 160 years. More than 160 years of building democratic societs, fighting for equality among people regardless their origin, belief or gender and endless working for peace between countries – all over the world.
Life Set Free
How to let our constituency, partners and friends, decision-makers, other civil society organisations and the society at large, know about our work? A work that carried and carries acts that made possible voting rights for women or participation of people on all levels of societies; that has freed human beings all over the globe to live in dignity and self-determination and that even led to a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination? We have managed to summarize our achievements and goals into three words that will from now on carry IOGT International further: “Life Set Free”
IOGT International has been changing over the years but our values remained the same over time. As 160 years ago, nowadays alike we are an independent, heart-driven organization building our work on evidence-based facts. Today we present our new logo and we have launched the new webpage that consists, exactly as the organization, of the contributions from our members who carry the expertise of our organization in prevention, rehabilitation and advocacy work.
We, in the International Board are very pleased by our achievement to transform our history, values and work into the new webpage to be able to follow the technical possibilities of today’s world, share our best practices and perspectives and continue what we have been doing for many years now – working for people’s individual and collective freedom.
New face, same soul: heart-driven work on all levels, everywhere, for people’s freedom and dignity. Simply life set free.