I am very happy today to be able to introduce to you our new World Channel.
This will be a great tool for us to communicate with you, our members and Member Organisations, our partners and partner organisations both from the NGO and the public policy fields.
After having found a design and a set-up for the World Channel, we’ll of course use it more frequently and more timely in the coming busy weeks and months.
I hope you’ll enjoy it and that it will encourage you to join the discussion here in my blogg and in the other bloggs that IOGT International members write from all over the world.
We start with the World Channel today by a short video from our Administrative Committee (AC) meeting, which we held already in May 2012.At that AC meeting we discussed global challenges for alcohol policy. There are certainly a number of challenges. But we also identified and discussed opportunities – opportunities for networking, coalition-building and for putting alcohol on the political agenda.
It is my great hope that you’ll be part of our work to master the challenges and to use the opportunities.