The most important news first: registration is now open for this autumn’s most exciting conference:
“Community and Rehabilitation. Social Work as Task of the IOGT Member Organizations – Exchange of National, International Approaches, Experiences and Results”

IOGT 2013 Conference #HeartDriven
Registration is now open
This conference brings together IOGT’s biggest experts in state-of-the-art sessions dealing with
– social businesses creating job opportunities for the disadvantaged;
– the method of Shisko;
– why and how to give support to foster parents;
– what the project “Time For Color” has accomplished against great odds;
– family clubs’ huge potential in strengthening communities;
– what drug free rehabilitation means in terms of motivation for fro-outs;
– the power of self-help groups
and many more interesting, challenging and exciting topics.
I will for example take a look at IOGT International’s Vision as a reason for further work in the fields of social work and rehabilitation.
All this means for you that there’ll be a lot of space to learn from and share with the other participants in a diverse environment of heart-driven people and organizations.
In this spirit, I encourage you to sign up and meet us in Berlin this November.