A picture blogg from the 3rd East Africa Conference on Alcohol. Follow us in how we celebrated Orange Day and fought for gender equality. The whole conference was orange…

On 25th of every month UN Women, together with their campaign “Say No. Unite to end violence against women.” celebrate the Orange Day to raise awareness and spread the word about the situation of women and girls.
Below, you can see what the participants of the 3rd East Africa Conference on Alcohol think about the campaign. Of course they support it and joined IOGT International. 




Together we made the whole conference orange to send a strong signal that the illogical advantages of alcohol usage must end. We have to stop excusing alcohol violence.









































































#WorldWide #Together for #GenderEquality


































#OrangeDay for Gender Equality and the prevention of alcohol violence against women and girls


For more information, feel free to order and read our booklet “Alcohol Culture in Gender Zoom“, or just read the previous blogg about “A simple idea for action to end violence against women.”