IDYDC Alcohol Prevention Project Works
IOGT International’s member organization IDYDC is seeing success stories from its project on alcohol prevention, implemented in Iringa, Tanzania.
The Iringa Development of Youth Disabled and Children Care (IDYDC) in partnership with the IOGT-NTO Movement in Sweden have been implementing the Alcohol Prevention Project in the Iringa region of Tanzania, since 2010.
Both advocacy accomplishments and personal stories of project beneficiaries show that the ongoing project is a success.
Advocacy success
For example, through the project, the passing of by-laws to decrease alcohol availability through limiting local pubs opening hours and eliminating underage alcohol use consumption site was achieved. Most importantly project beneficiaries get the chance to change their alcohol consumption and quit alcohol use.
Improving lives of people
Alex, 47 years old, husband and father of three, is a beneficiary of the IDYDC and IOGT-NTO Movement Alcohol Prevention Project. Alex tells his story…