The IOGT-NTO Movement in Sweden, consisting of IOGT-NTO, UNF, Junis, and NSF, has together achieved a new activity record for the joint campaign Vit Jul (White Christmas)
In 2015, 230 activities were conducted during the White Christmas campaign. With several days left before Christmas this year, the campaign has already received 242 registered activities. The activities are organized for all children and youth, but are especially for those kids that do not have anywhere else to go, when their homes are ravaged by alcohol but society goes on Christmas break.
The types of acitivies are very diverse, everything from swimming in the pool to baking ginger bread,” explains Vit Jul campaign chief Lisa Greve.
The important aspect is that when schools and youth centers and other leisure time facilities close for the holidays, it gets pretty empty in society; that’s why our Vit Jul acitivities are so fantastic: they offer safe, creative and fun environments for all, even during Christmas.”