IOGT-NTO Sweden: Refugees Create New Clubs, Activities
In 2016, IOGT-NTO received 2 million Swedish crowns from the government agency for youth and cicil society issues (MUCF). The grant was supposed to support IOGT-NTO’s work for welcoming and integrating refugees in local communities across Sweden. Numbers now show that through the work, 600 new members were recruited and 22 new IOGT clubs were started.
Under 2016 mottog IOGT-NTO två miljoner kronor från Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor, MUCF, för att satsa på flyktingverksamhet. Genom arbetet värvades 600 nya medlemmar till organisationen och 22 nya föreningar startades upp. And the entire effort resulted in 38 projects across the country with more than 4500 people reached. For example, IOGT-NTO members arranged fotpall tournaments and language cafés.
We can see immense engagement from our members,” says Dennis Greve, deputy Secretary-General of IOGT-NTO.
We can also see that in times of crisis in our society the IOGT movement is ready to step up and shoulder responsibility. Our members really burn for helping fellow humans.”
IOGT-NTO has made major efforts across Sweden to offer people help to people who have lost everything during the humanitarian crisis, starting with welcoming refugees and then working to supporting them with knowledge and a social network in Sweden.