IOGT-NTO: Trailblazing Advocacy for New ANDT-Strategy
IOGT-NTO was among 30 participating non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies when the Ministry of Social Affiars invited to the first hearing ahead of the drafting of the new ANDT-Strategy.
IOGT-NTO, a member organization of Movendi International and the largest Swedish popular movement for alcohol policy, is now driving advocacy for the new ANDT-Strategy in the country.
The Swedish government has promised a new Alcohol, Narcotics, Doping, Tobacco (ANDT) Strategy and is conducting consultations to solicit input and feedback. To that end, the Ministry of Social Affairs has organized four hearings with civil society and authorities on different themes to advise on the new strategy. The first hearing focused on the regulation of availability. The other three hearings are set to deal with the topics of prevention, support and rehabilitation as well as structure and organization.
Irma Kilim, head of drug policy at IOGT-NTO, was satisfied with the first hearing.
I think it was a good meeting. We were around 30 participants from different organization and agencies, among the the regions, district boards and other agencies, such as the Public Health Agency and the Social Welfare Board,” says Ms Kilim, as per Accent.
We discussed, among other items, which issues we consider most important, which resources were needed for better ANDT-coordination and we discussed the need to prioritize the entire topic politically. Currently, the topic is marginalized but it really shouldn’t be, given all the harm from alcohol and other drugs in Sweden.”
Irma Kilim, Head of drug policy, IOGT-NTO
According to Irma Kilim, the Ministry of Social Affairs was also satisfied with the outcome of the first hearing.
IOGT-NTO is leading the advocacy efforts of civil society and like-minded NGOs, coordinating a coalition in the work to draft a shadow ANDT-Strategy. It’s an effort IOGT-NTO already commenced in the beginning of 2019, showing the long-term vision and commitment with this important policy-making process.
Sweden’s current ANDT-Strategy is expiring in 2020. The purpose of the shadow ANDT-Strategy is to contribute to the development of the future national ‘ANDTS-Strategy’ of the Swedish government with concrete proposals and in this way to strengthen and improve Sweden’s overall work to protect people from the harms caused by alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and gambling.