Heart-driven Movendi International members at Junis Sweden have started a new and ground-breaking project for children of parents with alcohol problems…

Junis Sweden: New Project for Children of Parents with Alcohol Problems

Heart-driven Movendi International members at Junis Sweden have started a new and ground-breaking project for children of parents with alcohol problems.

Together with C.A.N., Junis has conducted surveys and found that those studying to become preschool or elementary school teachers or socio-therapists have a lack of knowledge about children from families with addiction problems.

A report by Junis shows that the number of children receiving support from their municipality is less than 3,000 – for the whole of Sweden. However,  research shows there are at least 320,000 children in Sweden experiencing the negative effects of a parent’s or guardian’s alcohol (or other harmful substance) use.

Junis has issued this report since 2005 – providing in depth analysis and understanding of the reality and circumstances of vulnerable children in Sweden and how the local, municipal and national governments are responding (or not).

In 2017, the Junis report showed that seven out of ten students aspiring to become teachers do not receive any eduction about the topic of children from families with substance use problems.

Mona Örjes, Junis President, says for more children with these problems to be identified early and provided support, adults working with children must have greater knowledge on the subject. 

To provide more knowledge to adults who are training to work with children in various professions, Junis is starting this new project to incorporate this knowledge into relevant university programs.

Our goal is that knowledge about children in families with substance use problems should be included in all relevant college and university education.

If you also think it is important and want to participate in the issue, you should volunteer at Junis and be part of our task force,” says Mrs. Mona Örjes, Junis President.

There is no need for special training to join the task force. Anyone with a passion to make a difference for and with children can volunteer. A proper introduction will be provided about the children who are facing problems. Junis as well as other non-profits will be there to guide the volunteers. Anyone around the country can get involved. The work is conducted primarily locally, in some cases nationally, and any meetings are usually digital.

Source Website: Junis