The “Cheers” conversations invite Movendi SK members and interesting guests – including Slovak celebrities and influencers – to talk about different aspects of the alcohol norm and about the benefits of the alcohol-free way of life. The purpose of the “Cheers” conversations is to provide an attractive, fun and welcoming platform to talk about topics related to the alcohol norm and sobriety that are usually not debated in society or are presented from a very limited/one sided perspective. These conversations take up topics such as a healthy lifestyle, alcohol in society, the influences of international corporations on behavior, or different stories and perspectives on the benefits of sobriety.
Movendi SK invites experts on each topic. Most of the time, at least one member of Movendi SK joins the conversation. A professional journalist moderates each conversation. All guests participate pro bono for this initiative.
Days after parties I was broken. I lost at least one and a half days.
I didn’t want to be slave to alcohol and I found out that I prefer (the alcohol-free life) more.
I feel much freer and better.
Kristina Tormova
So far, Movendi SK had nine Na Zdravie events, having started in June 2020 and arranging monthly conversations since September 2020. They have covered a diverse set of topics:
- Alcohol norm in Slovak society, with Movendi SK members,
- Alcohol versus health, with two renowned doctors,
- Alcohol and religion, with representatives from Islam, Christianity (the adventists of the seventh day) and Buddhism,
- Alcohol in show business, with two celebrities who live alcohol-free,
- Alcohol-free holidays, with members of Movendi SK, and an addiction expert and therapist,
- Dry month, with the founder of Dry February from Czechia, Dry February Slovakia and Movendi SK member,
- Alcohol and movies, with a film critic, an addiction specialist and Movendi SK member,
- Alcohol and women with a sober instagram blogger/influencer, a psychologist and Movendi SK member, and most recently
- What do you drink when you are not drinking alcohol, with a Slovak founder of the alcohol-free drinks brand “Anaperitivo” and Movendi SK members.
The conversation is live broadcast on Zoom and Facebook. On average around 1000 viewers watch each discussion. The alcohol in show business conversation was viewed the most with 3500 unique views. For that episode, Movendi SK welcomed two celebrities: Martin Valihora and Branko Jobus.
In May, the next Cheers conversation will be about “Love without alcohol”. It will be the 10th episode and a little anniversary for the Na Zdravie program. Since the start Movendi SK has reached around 10.000 viewers – a big success and inspiring development in a country where alcohol is glorified, where alcohol harms are rarely debated and where sobriety and alcohol-free choices are not yet broadly recognized for their benefits.
The concept is also leading to new partnerships and is generating more interest. For example, also in May, Movendi SK was invited by the Parents Center “Racik” in Bratislava, the capital of the country, to organize another talk specifically for parents about alcohol and parenting.
Clearly, the Na Zdravie conversations help to start important broader discussion about the real effects of alcohol in Slovakia and the benefits of alcohol-free choices. And Na Zdravie helps to empower and inspire people be more vocal about their sobriety – no matter the reasons.
Watch Movendi SK Na Zdravie conversations
You can watch the previous conversations and future live streams on the Movendi SK Facebook page.
You can also connect to Movendi SK on Instagram.
You can also find out more about Movendi SK on their website.