The IOGT-NTO movement in Sweden (including Junis, UNF, NSF and IOGT-NTO) had been supporting refugees arriving in Sweden since summer 2015 in many different ways and continues to do outstanding work, now even financed with government funds…

IOGT-NTO Movement Supports Refugees Allover Sweden

In December 2015, the Swedish government announced that civil society organizations would receive SEK 200 million for their work in support of refugees. IOGT-NTO is among those organizations and receives in total SEK 2 million (€215.000).

The IOGT-NTO movement (including Junis, UNF, NSF and IOGT-NTO) had been supporting refugees arriving in Sweden since summer 2015 in many different ways.

The work is ongoing ever since:

  1. Local clubs open the doors of their buildings to provide accommodation and shelter.
  2. Members are helping to cook food for refugees arriving at Stockholm Central Station.
  3. IOGT-NTO also helps civil society with coordination work to effectively provide places to sleep for all refugees arriving.
  4. Members are also coordinating the provision of food between the different venues where refugees find shelter.
  5. In Stockholm, a center for collecting donated clothes has been started in an old office of IOGT
  6. JUNIS visits asylum housing to help make everyday life for refugee children nicer, more fun and in doing so contribute to integration.
  7. Around the country, members are collecting clothes and other essential things to donate to refugees.
  8. In bigger cities, like Malmö, IOGT provides first-response food, warm clothes and welcoming smiles for refugees just arriving after their odyssey through half the world.
  9. NBV, the education association of the sobriety movement in Sweden is providing courses and workshop for refugees.UNF members have arranged a culture festival in Åkersund, Sweden
  10. IOGT-NTO’s national board decided in September to support all the local initiatives of members with half a million Swedish crowns (€54.000) extra.

The voluntary and heart-driven engagement and dedication we see among our members, shows what we stand for, says Johnny Mostacero, President of IOGT-NTO.

This work shows concretely that we are more than an abstinence organizations; but we work for democracy, solidarity and Human Rights and human dignity.”

Source Website: Accent Magazine (Swedish)