Few alcohol user in New Zealand do seek help for alcohol problems
32.4% of alcohol users in New Zealand say they planned to cut back over the next 12 months, but only one in twenty (4.9%) had any plans to seek help in doing so, even though one in five of them would like help.
23.5% said others had expressed concern about their alcohol use. One in ten, almost 12%, reported at least monthly feelings of guilt or regret after consuming alcohol.
The NZ Medical Association’s 10 recommendations to address alcohol problems:
1. Better screening and intervention of those with suspected drinking problems.
2. A Government health target to reduce alcohol harm.
3. More treatment services for those with alcohol dependency.
4. Increase in the excise tax on alcohol and a minimum unit pricing regime.
5. All forms of alcohol marketing phased out.
6. Action plan to combat fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
7. Local authorities restricting the density of alcohol outlets of reducing maximum trading hours.
8. Protection of public health policy setting capability in trade negotiations.
9. Vigorous campaigning and enforcement of anti-drink driving measures.
10. Lift in the alcohol purchase age to 20.