DreamHack – literally: The world’s largest digital festival – in its 21st year – brings together ten-thousands of people who join together in their love for all things digital. DreamHack started in 1994 is also this year run completely alcohol free. The founders and organisers are simply convinced that alcohol and other drugs do not belong.
DreamHack is the worlds largest digital festival, the largest LAN party in the world with over 26,000 visitors, 22,483 unique devices in the network and close to 10 000 visitors who enjoy DreamHack with their own computer. DreamHack Summer 2015 is arranged 13-16 June 2015 at the Elmia Fair in Jönköping, Sweden. The festival is open 24/7.
In its rules, DreamHack states:
1.4 Alcohol and drugs in any form do not belong and are not allowed to be taken onto DreamHack premises. People intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs/other non-allowed substances will not be allowed on the premises, at any time. People found intoxicated and/or on drugs will be shown off the premises. Smoking is strictly forbidden indoors and is only allowed in designated area outside. Electronic cigarettes is not allowed to use inside of DreamHack.”