Alcohol consumption is associated with intimate partner violence and sexual violence perpetration.
Prevention practitioners have been careful in addressing alcohol to avoid potential victim blaming for survivors who had consumed alcohol and to not allow prevention efforts to become reduced to primarily focusing on alcohol while ignoring other factors. With the release of two journal articles
- “The Role of Alcohol Policies in Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: A Review of the Literature” (January 2015) in the Journal of Studies of Alcohol and Drugs and
- “Exploring Alcohol Policy Approaches to Prevent Sexual Violence Perpetration” (November 2014) in Trauma, Violence and Abuse,
this web conference will explore alcohol policies as a strategy for prevention. Alcohol policies involve the use of laws or regulations at the local, state, and national level to regulate or modify the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol, and they may be helpful in reducing risk for violence perpetration at the community-level.
Join this conversation to explore the opportunities and challenges in examining alcohol in prevention efforts.
Recording Click Here
Slides [PDF]
Kearns, MC, Reidy, DE, Valle, LA (2015), The Role of Alcohol Policies in Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: A Review of the Literature, Journal of the Study of Alcohol and Drugs. 2015 Jan;76(1):21-30.
Lippy, C, DeGue, S., Trauma Violence and Abuse. Exploring Alcohol Policy Approaches to Prevent Sexual Violence, ePublished 2014 Nov 16
Key Findings: Exploring Alcohol Policy Approaches to Prevent Sexual Violence (from National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
Transcript [PDF]