A Spanish TV company is in trouble for advertising alcohol
The National Market and Competence Commission has fined the Mediaset TV company €653,456 for allowing alcohol advertisements to be shown on TV before the watershed.
In Spain the watershed to protect children and youth from alcohol ads is between 8.30pm and 6am the following day.
Spanish regulations do allow ads for alcohol products with strength of less than 20% after the watershed.
The violation of the law was noted between July and August 2015 on TV channels Telecinco, FDF, Cuatro, Divinity and Energy, all of whom are part of the Mediaset media group.
Mediaset has a two-month period in order to appeal against the fine.
This case clearly shows the problem with regulating alcohol advertising through watersheds. The ads have been broadcasted and minors have been exposed – most likely at a rate that makes the fine “a good deal” in economic terms of Mediaset group. Evidence shows that laws banning alcohol ads and sponsorship, as enacted in France or Norway, do a much better job at protecting children and youth.