A new CBS News film, featuring correspondent Tony Dokoupi, is exploring the expanding new world of marijuana legalization and the emerging Big Marijuana industry that pursues profits ruthlessly…

A new CBS News film, featuring correspondent Tony Dokoupi, is exploring the expanding new world of marijuana legalization and the emerging Big Marijuana industry that pursues profits ruthlessly.

In an article CBS News writes:

No government on earth had ever created a for-profit marijuana market – until voters decided to do so in the United States.

Now the fall of marijuana prohibition – not yet federally, but state-by-state – may feel inevitable. A record 61 percent of Americans support legal adult use, according to Gallup. That certainly sounds like the end of the conversation. But hold on a minute.

Above all, how can anyone be sure the dream of legal marijuana won’t turn into a nightmare?

CBSN set out to address these questions – none of which have simple answers – traveling to five states and Canada, interviewing people on all sides of the issues – from consumers to sellers, lobbyists to elected representatives.”

Watch CBS News' Film Here