Shanghai Consensus on Healthy Cities 2016 Includes Alcohol Policy…

Shanghai Consensus on Healthy Cities 2016 Includes Alcohol Policy

Mayors have a crucial role to play in creating healthy urban environments. With the increasing urbanization of the world’s population, Mayors will therefore also have an important role to play in delivering many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The international Mayors Forum is one of the unique features of the Shanghai Global Health Promotion Conference.

The international Mayors Forum adopted a Shanghai Consensus on Healthy Cities 2016.

We – more than 100 mayors from around the world – have come together on 21 November 2016 in Shanghai, China – united in the knowledge that health and sustainable urban development are inextricably linked, and steadfastly committed to advancing both. We also recognise that health and wellbeing are at the core of the United Nations Development Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals.”

Alcohol part of the 10 priorities

With the ten priorities the mayors commit to ten Healthy Cities action areas which we will integrate fully into the implementation of the 2030 sustainable development agenda:

  1. Work to deliver the basic needs of all our residents (education, housing, employment, and security), as well as work towards building more equitable and sustainable social security systems;
  2. Take measures to eliminate air, water and soil pollution in our cities, and tackle climate change at the local level by making our industries and cities green and ensure clean energy and air;
  3. Invest in our children, prioritize early child development and ensure that city policies and programs in health, education, and social services leave no child behind;
  4. Make our environment safe for women and girls, especially protecting them from harassment and gender-based violence;
  5. Improve the health and quality of life of the urban poor, slum and informal settlement dwellers, and migrants andrefugees – and ensure their access to affordable housing and health care;
  6. Address multiple forms of discrimination, against people living with disabilities or with HIV AIDS, older people, and others;
  7. Make our cities safe from infectious disease through ensuring immunization, clean water, sanitation, waste managementand vector control;
  8. Design our cities to promote sustainable urban mobility, walking and physical activity through attractive and greenneighborhoods, active transport infrastructure, strong road safety laws, and accessible play and leisure facilities;
  9. Implement sustainable and safe food policies that increase access to affordable healthy food and safe water, reduce sugarand salt intake, and reduce the harmful use of alcohol including through regulation, pricing, education and taxation;
  10. Make our environments smoke-free, legislating to make indoor public places and public transport smoke-free, and banningall forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship in our cities.

Source Website: World Health Organization