The IOGT International Global Voices Blog Portal contains more than 500 unique blog posts, stories that cover different topics such as alcohol policy, advocacy, Human Rights, or the tactics of the alcohol industry. In 2018 the IOGT International Global Voices Blog Portal generated outstanding texts, again.
The top four blog posts show the range of topics covered, and they show which issues resonated with a global audience. Here’s the top 4 list for your overview:
“I Call Time’s Up: Matt Damon Partners With Big Alcohol To Benefit ‘The Ladies'”
The most popular blog post by IOGT International President Kristina Sperkova that resonated in the beginning of 2018, as the #MeToo movement was bringing attention to men’s abuse of their power.
This blog posts exposes the hypocrasy of philanthropy that fuels the problem instead of promoting sustainable solutions. Read it again:
I Call Time’s Up: Matt Damon Partners With Big Alcohol To Benefit “The Ladies”
“Time’s Up For Big Alcohol Exploiting Feminism”
Another blog post by Kristina, that shows how much attention is now paid to corporate exploitation of feminist values. Big Alcohol has a track record of a century of sexualizing, objectifying and de-humanizing women and even paying campaigns against Women’s Voting Rights and other key achievements on the road to gender equality.
Read Kristina’s blog post again:
“What Latest Global Fund Drama Reveals About Their Leadership”
A popular blog post by IOGT International Director for Strategy and Advocacy Maik Dünnbier, writing about the ill-advised (and currently suspended) partnership of the Global Fund with beer giant Heineken. The partnership has received massive criticism, and yet the Global Fund was not (and still has not) able to terminate the partnership – putting its credibility and mission in jeopardy.
Read Maik’s blog again:
What Latest Global Fund Drama Reveals About Their Leadership
“A Star Is Born And So Many Are Lost”
In one of her most popular blog posts this year, Kristina shines the light on an exploitative system in show business. The movie “A Star Is Born” (in its fourth rendition) garnered much attention and brought much-needed attention to the issues of substance use, addiction, recovery and mental health.
It did not, obviously, galvanize behavior change and critical reflection on the part of some of the most powerful people in the entertainment business.
Read Kristina’s blog again: