Experts are calling the newest Big Alcohol trend nonsense: “wellness” alcohol.
With health-conscious and fitness trends gaining popularity, the alcohol industry’s newest strategy is to position themselves as wellness/fitness oriented. The strategy specifically targets youth since younger generations are increasingly becoming alcohol free to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
IOGT International has covered the details of how Big Alcohol attempts to capitalize from health conscious younger generations – through product innovations and youth-specific marketing, driven by digital data gathering…

Experts: “Wellness” Alcohol Is Nonsense

Experts are calling the newest Big Alcohol trend nonsense: “wellness” alcohol.

With health-conscious and fitness trends gaining popularity, the alcohol industry’s newest strategy is to position themselves as wellness/fitness oriented. The strategy specifically targets youth since younger generations are increasingly becoming alcohol free to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

IOGT International has covered the details of how Big Alcohol attempts to capitalize from health conscious younger generations – through product innovations and youth-specific marketing, driven by digital data gathering.

Big Alcohol Targets Millennials With “Wellness” Products, Youth-Specific Marketing

Health experts are not buying these claims by the alcohol industry.

Alcohol is dehydrating — that’s the opposite of what you want,” said Dr. Michael Crupain, a preventative medicine specialist, as per New York Post.

Many of these “wellness” alcohol products are marketed as containing electrolytes to replenish after strenuous exercise or sports. However as Dr. Crupain says, there is no need for extra electrolytes unless someone engages in extremely strenuous exercise for over two hours. Even then alcohol is definitely not a healthy way of obtaining these electrolytes as it has dehydrating effects among other health harms.

No matter how Big Alcohol tries to peddle alcohol in the guise of being healthy, research has proven alcohol is bad for health.

It’s toxic, which is why we get intoxicated,” said  Samantha Heller, a senior clinical nutritionist at NYU Langone as per New York Post.

Alcohol, is metabolized by the body in the same way — regardless of “herbs or sodium or other ingredients.”

Source Website: New York Post