USA: College Students Overestimate Peers’ Alcohol Use
College students tend to overestimate how much alcohol their peers may be consuming and, in return, use more alcohol themselves, according to new research.
Lindsey Rodriguez, assistant professor of psychology at University of South Florida conducted the research regarding alcohol use in college students and couples. Realizing that a large part of the college experience is the social aspect, which often times involves alcohol.
It was found that students on campus consume about 4 units of alcohol on average, per week. Through her findings she aims to correct the misconception that peers are consuming more alcohol.
In the other part of the research she works with couples on how the partner can support in overcoming an alcohol use problem.
The researcher aims to reduce alcohol related harm through her research.
A previous study found how much alcohol friends are perceived to use and how much roommates report using affects how much alcohol a college student will use over time.
The Role of Peer Alcohol Consumption on College Students’ Alcohol Use