A Scottish University has closed its Student Union bar as more students shift to alcohol-free living. In Abertay University, located in Dundee, Scotland, stocking alcohol at Bar One was no longer viable as the income generated from sales dropped drastically in recent years…

Scotland: University Closes Alcohol Bar, Opens Alcohol-Free Space

A Scottish University has closed its Student Union bar as more students shift to the alcohol-free lifestyle.

In Abertay University, located in Dundee, Scotland, stocking alcohol at Bar One was no longer viable as the income generated from sales dropped drastically in recent years.

Alcohol sales at the venue, which opened in 2005, have plummeted by two-thirds since 2014, as young people are choosing to spend their money on non-alcoholic alternatives such as coffee. In contrast the newly opened alcohol-free space, Library Café has been a success with both students and staff. 

This reflects the national trend of millennials shunning alcohol. More and more millennials view being intoxicated as embarrassing and are more aware of the harmful impacts alcohol use.

We recognise that student tastes have shifted away from a bar setting and towards a daytime café culture offering.

Just last year we opened a new Library Café as part of the £5m refurbishment of the Bernard King Library, which has been a success with both students and staff,” said an Abertay University spokesperson, as per The Telegraph.

Global trend: youth shift to alcohol-free lifestyle

A global trend for alcohol-free lifestyle among youth is growing.

  • A study by University College London found that the proportion of 16 to 24-year-olds who do not consume alcohol has increased from 18%  in 2005 to 29% in 2015.
  • A recent survey by the National Union of Students (NUS) revealed one in five UK students are alcohol-free and demand for alcohol-free university events is rising.

More young people are shifting to healthier behavior and changing the alcohol norm which is an obstacle to health. The trend is catching on in most parts of the western world including Australia, Finland and USA.

Trend: Millennials Are Going Alcohol-Free

Get inspired from the Blog:

Inspiration For An Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

Source Website: The Telegraph