Scotland: Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Increasingly Common
In Scotland the alcohol-free way of life is becoming increasingly common with most Scots going sober for Christmas and for good.
A recent report found that one in three workers wished for an alcohol-free Christmas. Tesco’s annual Christmas report also found that over half of hosts will be serving low to no alcohol beverages this Christmas.
Alcohol-free drinks companies have been popping up in Scotland to cater to the changing needs of the people. These include, Feragaia – Scotland’s first zero-alcohol distilled spirit, Sparklingly Sober – Scottish non-alcoholic champagne cocktails and Jump Ship beer – created by Scotland’s first non-alcoholic brewery.
Liana Harkins who runs Sober Buzz Scotland – an online community for the alcohol-free way of life says the importance of Christmas is not in alcohol.
It’s about catching up and spending quality time with friends and family. Of course, [alcohol] tends to be a part of it but you can still feel part of the ritual with an alcohol-free drink.
You won’t regret it the next morning, that’s for sure,” said Ms. Harkins as per The Sunday Post.
Others from the online community Sober AF discuss how the alcohol norm is still a part of society and express continued concern about the stigma surrounding being alcohol-free. Communities such as Sober Buzz and Sober AF aim to make the alcohol-free way of life and alcohol-feee lifestyles choices the norm and to create environments and events more inclusive for all tastes.
Satu Kapiainen from Sober AF says being alcohol-free has become much easier than 10 years ago and that people are more accepting and there are more choices for people who are alcohol-free nowadays.
I think people are becoming more aware of how alcohol affects their mental health and impacts their life,” added Ms. Harkins as per The Sunday Post.
I also think when you see someone else having a great time without alcohol it makes you question why you are doing it in the first place and it allows you to question your own relationship with it.”
For further reading:
Scotland: University Closes Alcohol Bar, Opens Alcohol-Free Space