Movendi Supports Call for Binding Human Rights Treaty on Transnational Companies
A new call has been issued for governments and member states’ delegations to the Human Rights Council to make all efforts possible to continue advancing towards the adoption of a Binding Instrument on Transnational Companies and Other Business Enterprises. Movendi International is supporting this new call to a global treaty to address human rights abuses of transnational corporations, such as major alcohol producers.
The latest statement expresses concern about the challenging situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and social impact of the measures adopted to contain the spread of the virus. The statement also expresses solidarity with those particularly affected by the disease and the lockdown measures – millions of marginalised people who are at the intersection of multiple situations of vulnerability and for whom physical distancing mitigation is not an option.
The main call
The COVID-19 crisis tells us that we need societies in which effective accountability mechanisms are in place. Therefore, we urge all national authorities, and particularly the member states’ delegations of the Human Rights Council, to make all efforts possible to continue advancing towards the adoption of a Binding Instrument on Transnational Companies and OBEs, strengthening the diplomatic route and ensuring effective participation of those actors that truly pursue democracy, accountability and the public interest.”
The Treaty Alliance is coalition of dedicated networks and campaign groups from around the world united since 2013 in the efforts to bring about a #BindingTreaty to address human rights abuses committed by transnational corporations and other business enterprises.
Big Alcohol’s human rights abuses
The practices and products, the tactics and strategies, the mode of operation of the alcohol industries causes Human Rights abuses.
Big Alcohol – consisting of producers, distributors, retailers and marketers of beverage alcohol – has accumulated so much financial, political and market power that it can block and alter public policies that protect Human Rights and that promote sustainable development, social justice and public health.
The alcohol industry works to delay, derail and undermine evidence-based policy solutions that would protect Child Rights, Women’s Rights, as well as the human right to health and development. As Movendi International analysis shows, the alcohol industry is putting profits over people and their human rights.
Specific company profiles, compiled by Movendi International, illustrate how pervasive Human Rights abuses of the alcohol industry are and how integral human rights violations are to the business practices of Big Alcohol.
The track record speaks a clear language of disregard for ethical standards: tax schemes and tax avoidance; bribery; unethical alcohol marketing that de-humanizes and sexualizes women; aggressive political activity and interference; racism; supporting appartheid; supporting dictators; benefiting from genocide – transnational alcohol giant rely on a vast array of deeply unethical business practices.
Heineken, the second largest beer maker in the world, has been exposed the most thoroughly from among Big Alcohol corporations by detailed investigations that were published in the book “Heineken in Africa” by journalist Olivier van Beemen.