Week 37, September 07 – September 13, 2020
Welcome to the weekly Alcohol Issues Newsletter with carefully curated alcohol policy news, latest science digest, Big Alcohol revelations, and a Special Feature to keep you in the know about the most important alcohol issues of week 37.
Alcohol issues from our Policy Newsfeed come from Sri Lanka, Scotland, the United States, and the United Nations Interagency Task Force on NCDs launching a new policy brief on NCDs and COVID-19…
Alcohol issues from our Science Digest deal with the role of alcohol policy in national NCD strategic plans in Sub-Saharan Africa and there is a new study about alcohol and obesity…
Alcohol issues from our Big Alcohol Watch cover the increasing alcohol market concentration in Nigeria and what that means overall, as well as Big Alcohol’s effort to target parents during the pandemic…
The Special Feature this week addresses alcohol as major risk factor for NCDs…
Alcohol Issues – Episode 2
Understanding the global governance of alcohol
Our weekly conversation about the latest alcohol issues in policy and science and new alcohol industry revelations.
For the second episode, we follow-up on last week’s conversation with Dag Rekve, senior technical officer for alcohol, other drugs and addictive behaviors at the WHO to go more in depth on some of the most interesting points that Dag Rekve talked about…