Week 40, September 28 – October 02, 2020
Welcome to the weekly Alcohol Issues Newsletter with carefully curated alcohol policy news, latest science digest, Big Alcohol revelations, and a Special Feature to keep you in the know about the most important alcohol issues of week 40.
Alcohol issues from our Policy Newsfeed come from Vietnam, Ontario in Canada and New Zealand covering the topics of alcohol law development, alcohol policy weakening, and alcohol attitudes and harm…
Alcohol issues from our Science Digest cover intimate partner violence, alcohol morbidity in Botswana, as well as parental alcohol problems and their link to diabetes in their children…
Alcohol issues from our Big Alcohol Watch reveal three emerging trends in the alcohol industry and expose the harmful effects of corporate social responsibility messaging…
This week, a new Special Feature is dealing with alcohol and COVID-19 and how alcohol harm develops in Scotland and the United States…
Alcohol Issues Podcast – Episode 5
Our weekly conversation about the latest alcohol issues in policy and science and new alcohol industry revelations.
This week’s in-depth conversation is with Nijole Gostautaite Midttun of NTAKK, the Lithuanian Coalition for Alcohol and Tobacco Control, about the success story of the Lithuanian alcohol law and the lessons she has learned from advocacy for its implementation and in the aftermath.