Week 48, November 23 – November 27, 2020
Welcome to the weekly Alcohol Issues Newsletter with carefully curated alcohol policy news, a latest science digest, new Big Alcohol revelations, and a Special Feature as well as a new Special Event Alert to keep you in the know about the most important alcohol issues of week 48.
Alcohol issues from our Policy Newsfeed come from Jamaica and Australia, covering topics of alcohol policy development for better labelling and better online sales and on-demand delivery rules…
Alcohol issues from our Science Digest covers the alcohol industry’s involvement in global road safety, as well as trends in adolescent alcohol use in high-income countries…
Alcohol issues from our Big Alcohol Watch reveal pervasive harmful digital marketing targeting children in Australia…
This week, a new Special Feature is providing latest overview of developments in alcohol harm and policy responses during the ongoing coronavirus crisis…
Alcohol Policy News

Latest Science Digest

Big Alcohol Watch

Special Feature:
As the coronavirus pandemic is raging on and infections are surging in a second wave across many countries, jurisdictions on local and national level respond by tackling alcohol’s role in the public health crisis.
The pandemic is found to be exacerbating alcohol harms, such as violence, mental ill-health, as well as health system burden.
We’ve compiled latest reports worldwide showing increasing alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic and the harm that comes with is, especially during traumatic events.
In Canada, for instance, alcohol use and related problems are rising as people attempt to self-medicate with alcohol to cope with stress, anxiety and uncertainty or to deal with boredom during the ongoing public health crisis – experts are worried about the first signs of surging mental health problems.
And jurisdictions continue to use alcohol policy tools to help contain the coronavirus, protect the health system’s capacity to deal with rising infections and promote people’s health.
Special Events Calendar