Movendi International has published more than 700 News Center articles in 2020. These are nine alcohol issues highlights from the categories of policy, science and Big Alcohol revelations.

400+ news stories, 40+ opinion pieces, 230+ science updates and 40+ community success stories as well as more than 40 virtual events discussing alcohol issues in policy development, science updates and Big Alcohol revelations – despite serious challenges during the pandemic, Movendi International continued to advance the global alcohol policy conversation and to make alcohol policy the priority it should be.

3 Alcohol Policy Highlights in 2020

In 2020, Movendi International published more than 400 alcohol policy news stories covering all aspects of alcohol policy development and implementation.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought the alcohol burden and the potential of alcohol prevention into sharp focus. Here, Movendi International has compiled an overview about alcohol harm and COVID-19 consisting of more than 200 news stories, scientific updates and WHO guidance.

3 Science Digest Highlights in 2020

In 2020, Movendi International published more than 230 scientific article digests to make state-of-the-art evidence available to all community activists and to help inform the public discourse.

Big Alcohol Watch Highlights in 2020

In 2020, Movendi International stepped up the work to expose the unethical business practices and counter-act Big Alcohol. This year, more than 180 stories have been published under the tag Big Alcohol Exposed – illustrating the extent of unethical practices of the alcohol industry around the world.

Source Website: Keep Updated with Movendi International