Week 2, January 11 – January 15, 2021
Alcohol issues from our Policy Newsfeed cover new alcohol rules coming into force in Ireland; participation in Dry January showing a changing alcohol norm; and the most-read blog posts from 2020 highlighting key policy issues…
Alcohol issues from our Science Digest cover alcohol and brain development as well as projections of alcohol-related mortality in Europe until 2060…
Alcohol issues from our Big Alcohol Watch reveal Carlsberg’s unethical practices in India; Big Alcohol’s attack on science in Australia; and the alcohol lobby’s campaign a one-cent alcohol tax increase in Maryland, USA…
This week, a new Special Feature is providing an overview of latest developments regarding alcohol and COVID-19 with news from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Ireland; with advise on alcohol for people receiving the vaccine; and with a study examining the effects of staying at home on alcohol consumption…