The government of Sweden has announced a new ANDTS strategy. ANDTS in Swedish stands for “Alkohol, Narkotika, Dopning, Spel & Tobak” which translates to Alcohol, Narcotics, Doping, Tobacco, and Gambling.
Along with the strategy the government has proposed establishing an ANDTS policy forum. This forum is a space for dialogue on developments, commitments and the need for action between government, authorities and organizations to achieve the ANDTS strategy.

Development in the ANDTS field takes place quickly with new trends in the form of substances and forms of addiction. The ANDTS policy forum will provide a space for dialogue on developments, commitments and the need for action on ANDTS between the government, relevant authorities and civil society. The forum will also anchor government policies and inform relevant authorities and organizations.

It is about informing and discussing developments in the area,” said Magnus Jonsson from the Ministry of Social Affairs, as per Alkohol & Narkotika.

In addition, initiatives are taking place in areas other than just public health policy, and it will therefore be possible to anchor what is happening in other ministries. The focus of the forum should be on exchange and discussion.”

Magnus Jonsson from the Ministry of Social Affairs

Magnus Jonsson from the Ministry of Social Affairs says the new forum is not a new ANDT council which was in action between 2011 to 2015.

The announced ANDTS forum is a result of the four hearings organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs held in Spring 2020. The hearings were on ANDTS related access restriction, prevention and care. Representatives from authorities and organizations presented their views at these hearings.

The forum will not consist of designated persons, but various authorities and civil society will be invited. There is no specific mention of researchers but the academic community will have access to the forum through authorities and organizations.

Source Website: Alkohol & Narkotika [translated from Swedish]