Welcome to our weekly Alcohol Issues Newsletter No. 30 with carefully curated alcohol policy news, latest highlights from our science digest, brand new Big Alcohol revelations and event updates.

This week’s special feature explores, alcohol marketing versus health and human rights, covering the latest policy developments, scientific updates, and exposed alcohol industry marketing practices.


September 27, 2021 – October 01, 2021

This week’s Special Feature: Alcohol marketing versus health and human rights

Alcohol marketing is of critical importance for the alcohol industry’s profit maximization interest. Big Alcohol spends massively on alcohol marketing with three major objectives: (1) Win over and hook new, lifelong brand-loyal consumers; (2) shape and maintain a policy environment conducive to extensive alcohol marketing activity; and (3) out-compete other alcohol producers in key markets. The harm from alcohol marketing is serious.
This Special Feature covers latest policy developments, scientific updates, and exposed alcohol industry marketing practices.

Alcohol issues from our Policy Newsfeed:

  1. Understanding Lithuania’s alcohol policy Success;
  2. In Finland traveling is commencing and so are ‘booze cruises’;
  3. Dominican Republic passes a new law to regulate alcohol sale and consumption; and
  4. Alcohol deaths in the United States (U.S.).

Our Big Alcohol Watch exposes:

  • Big Alcohol’s decade long illegal activity in India.

Alcohol issues from our Science Digest:

  1. Population health and human rights; and
  2. Conflicts of interest: An invisible force shaping health systems and policies

Our Special Event Alert highlights:

  1. WHO Webinar on health warning labels of alcoholic beverages, October 7, 2021; and
  2. Global Alcohol Policy Alliance virtual event, October 12 – 14, 2021.

Alcohol Policy News

Worldwide alcohol policy news newsletter

Latest Science Digest

Big Alcohol Watch

Special Feature – No. 30

Alcohol marketing versus health and human rights

Alcohol marketing is of critical importance for the alcohol industry’s profit maximization interest. Big Alcohol spends massively on alcohol marketing with three major objectives:

  1. Win over and hook new, lifelong brand-loyal consumers;
  2. Shape and maintain a policy environment conducive to extensive alcohol marketing activity; and
  3. Out-compete other alcohol producers in key markets.

The harm from alcohol marketing is serious.

Alcohol advertising to children

The alcohol targets and exposes children to advertising of alcohol, brand promotions and glamorization of alcoholic products. They do so to convert kids into consumers and to secure major parts of their profits, derived from minors.

Digital alcohol marketing

Few countries have modern, effective, and comprehensive ways to regulate alcohol marketing in the digital space. This allows the alcohol industry to unleash a marketing onslaught that puts children and youth in harms way, and that peddles alcohol to vulnerable people in unethical ways.

Country case studies

Around the world, Big Alcohol’s marketing practices cause severe harm. Three country cases show the reality and outline what needs to be done to curb the alcohol industry and protect people from alcohol marketing.

Special Event Alert

Source Website: Stay Updated with Movendi International