For the eleventh episode in our third season we discuss what we know for sure – and what not – about the potential of policy measures to protect people from alcohol marketing.
Together with today’s guest, Dr Jakob Manthey, we discuss his recent and hotly debated study that found that alcohol marketing bans do not constitute a best buy for reducing alcohol consumption.

What We Know For Sure – and What Not – About the Potential of Policy Measures to Protect People From Alcohol Marketing

For the eleventh episode in our third season we discuss what we know for sure – and what not – about the potential of policy measures to protect people from alcohol marketing.

Together with today’s guest, Dr Jakob Manthey, we discuss his recent and hotly debated study that found that alcohol marketing bans do not constitute a best buy for reducing alcohol consumption.

In this show, host Maik Dünnbier and Jakob Manthey discuss in depth the study published in January 2024 where Jakob and colleagues systematically reviewed the evidence for effects of total and partial bans of alcohol marketing on alcohol consumption. This study got a lot of attention because of the conclusion that “there is insufficient evidence to claim that alcohol marketing bans are a best buy to reduce alcohol consumption.” Maik and Jakob talk about why this systematic review was necessary, what the findings are, and what the results mean and do not mean.

Maik also asks a few critical questions about the study and Jakob shared valuable insights.

They also talk about the meaning of the study results and where we go from here – in research, policy, and advocacy.

Background to the show and study

Alcohol marketing is a billion dollar business and alcohol companies pumping so much money into advertising, promotion, and sponsorship means they are getting massive returns on their investments.

Six alcohol companies rank among the world’s largest spenders on advertising. The leading alcohol advertisers worldwide spent an estimated US$ 17.2 billion on alcohol advertising in 2019. In both high- and low-income countries, alcohol marketers occupy dominant positions, and in 24 of the countries tracked by AdAge, they are among the 10 largest advertising spenders.

And evidence shows that alcohol marketing makes children and youth initiate alcohol use earlier and if they already consume alcohol, exposure to alcohol marketing makes them consume even more alcohol.

A 2021 study revealed that the alcohol industry made $17.5 billion in sales revenue (in 2016) from alcohol sales to minors in the United States.

The World Health Organization has classified banning alcohol ads, promotion, and sponsorship as one of three alcohol policy best buy solutions to prevent and redcuce alcohol harm.

But a recent and hotly debated study systematically reviewed the evidence for effects of total and partial bans of alcohol marketing on alcohol consumption. Jakob and his research colleagues concluded that available empirical evidence does not support the claim that alcohol marketing bans constitute a best buy for reducing alcohol consumption.

For this podcast conversation we have invited the lead author Dr Jakob Manthey.

Our guest

Dr Jakob Manthey is a renowned researcher in the field of alcohol epidemoelogy and policy.

He has published groundbreaking studies in those areas. Dr Manthey is the Head of Working Group “Public health and substance use” at the Centre for Inter-Disciplinary Addiction Research at the University of Hamburg in Germany.

You can follow Jakob’s work here and on Research Gate.

Resources for the episode 


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About The Alcohol Issues Podcast

The Alcohol Issues Podcast is an original production from Movendi International. It’s a show about latest alcohol policy developments, brand new research, and stories that reveal the predatory practices of the alcohol industry. We bring you in-depth conversations with trail-blazing alcohol policy makers, visionary community activists, and leading scientists. We do it all to reshape how the world thinks about alcohol’s impact on society and the benefits of alcohol policy action.

Source Website: Keep Updated with Movendi International