Webinar: Alcohol Marketing and Young People – Causes for Concern
ZOOMJoin this webinar for insight, understanding and strategies for action to address the impact that alcohol advertising is having on children and young people.
Join this webinar for insight, understanding and strategies for action to address the impact that alcohol advertising is having on children and young people.
ICAAN’s upcoming webinar takes place on the first day of the European Awareness Week on Alcohol Related Harm, November 15th.
The inaugural meeting is dedicated to establish links among worldwide community activists and facilitate ownership of the WACAA space.
That’s why we will explore in inter-active sessions a) what communities are doing and how they are contributing to building for SAFER communities; we will learn from community best practices in each S.A.F.E.R. area.
And b) how communities work to overcome alcohol industry interference; in this session the Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network will introduce a brand new and groundbreaking tool to counter-act alcohol industry interference on community level.
We will conclude by summarizing the discussions and learning and by developing a common agenda for upcoming meetings.
The 2nd WACAA meeting is dedicated to discuss the draft WHO global alcohol action plan and share community perspectives. To facilitate productive conversations, preparatory questions will be circulated.
We will explore communities' analysis of the action plan: Does it have any added value for the community level? Does it have the potential to facilitate positive change in communities? Are there concerning and/ or promising elements in the action plan, from a community perspective?
Are there elements that are totally missing? The discussion of these and other questions will seek to co-create knowledge of and understanding for community experiences and know-how in alcohol policy as they relate to the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan.
The discussion will generate key messages to be delivered to the World Health Assembly on behalf of the participants in order to make community perspectives heard and claim space in the policy discussion.
This unique event gathers organisations from all over the world that are working directly in communities on a grass root level, having the first hand experience of harm caused by the products and practices of the alcohol industry. At the same time, it is the communities that are first to experience the effects and effectiveness of measures to prevent and reduce alcohol related harm.
For the third WACAA we will reconnect, revisit our position on the new WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan (GAAP), we will share experience of those who have already used the Global Alcohol Action Plan in their work and we will discuss how to hold our governments accountable in the GAAP implementation process.
WACAA is an open and shared space for all community activists and groups worldwide working to prevent and reduce alcohol harm. This gathering is open to organisations working at the local level and/ or supporting community level action.