Almost done! Our new website is now under final development, and we are still working out some bugs and finalizing the content. If you have any issues, send an e-mail to Maik!

17th Annual International INEBRIA Conference

INEBRIA in partnership with the Program on Substance Abuse of The Generalitat of Catalonia and SANGATH have organized the 17th annual INEBRIA Conference. This conference will focus on setting new directions for brief interventions. The organizers anticipate that the conference will provide an opportunity for practitioners, implementers, academics, policy-makers, and various other state actors to influence the agenda for brief interventions. The ultimate goal is to change the way addictions care is conceptualized particularly in low resource settings.

INEBRIA Conference 2022

John McIntyre Conference Centre (JMCC) Pollock Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Rd, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

INEBRIA aims to provide global leadership in the development, evaluation, and implementation of evidence-based practice in the area of early identification and brief intervention for hazardous and harmful substance use.

£99 – £430