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Alcohol Policy Network Symposium

The 2021 Alcohol Policy Network (APN) Symposium will take place on November 19, as a side event of the alcohol awareness week meeting organized in coordination by Eurocare and WHO. 

WHO Webinar: Commercial Determinants of Health


The World Health Organization (WHO) invites to the first webinar of the Commercial Determinants of Health Webinar Series. The webinar will introduce the commercial determinants of health, explain why they matter for public health, and global health equity, and provide an introduction to action, which will then be explored further in subsequent webinars. 

WHO Webinar: Digital Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages: What Has Changed?

The webinar will feature digital marketing transformations, discuss the options to tackle this evolving phenomenon and outline possible next steps for the alcohol control field. This event is co-organized by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe; the Less Alcohol Unit of the Department of Health Promotion and the Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviors Unit of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, both at the World Health Organization headquarters.

International Strategic Dialogue on NCDs and the SDGs

Hosted by the Government of Ghana, the Government of Norway, and the World Health Organization, the International Strategic Dialogue on NCDs and the SDGs will take the next decisive step towards comprehensive action on NCDs and achieving SDG 3.4. 


UN Road Safety Week

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Avenue Appia 20, Pregny-Chambésy, Pregny-Chambésy, Geneva, Switzerland

The United Nations Global Road Safety Week and its' campaigns are coordinated by the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, chaired by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
All stakeholders – national and local governments, international agencies, civil society organizations, private companies, and the public generally – are invited to plan and host events marking the Weeks...

75th World Health Assembly

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, United States

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board.

WHO Webinar: Restricting Alcohol Availability


This webinar will reflect on civil society successes and evidence-based strategies to promote alcohol availability laws and practices that may prevent the harmful use of alcohol. The discussion will identify local and national evidence-based interventions to restrict alcohol availability, supportive actions by civil society, and priority areas for researchers.

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