Alcohol Advertisers May Be Using Social Media To Encourage Parents To Drink During COVID‐19
Research Letter
Australia’s social distancing policies to contain the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), have had social consequences. Social distancing and school disruptions have increased parental responsibilities. There has also been an increased opportunity for parents to use alcohol to cope with increased stress.
Parents, especially mothers, have taken to social media to share “memes” about needing alcohol to survive staying at home (Box). These posts are mostly shared with the aim of creating an online environment for peer support and stress relief, but they risk normalizing the use of alcohol as a coping strategy and promoting the false belief that alcohol is good for mental health. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that may relieve stress in the short term, but regular alcohol use increases psychological distress and the risk of alcohol‐related harm.

A review of recent advertising complaints indicated that some alcohol advertisers have been quick to capitalze on COVID‐19. An investigation of a social media account found an average of one alcohol advertisement every 35 seconds, with themes of easy access without leaving home (58%), buy more (35%), have more alcohol during COVID‐19 (24%), and have alcohol to cope (16%). Australia has a regulation system for alcohol advertising, which most people mistakenly believe is government‐funded. It is in fact an industry‐funded quasi‐regulatory system that is activated by consumer complaints and lacks systematic independent monitoring. Further, regulations do not prevent certain social media platforms from being used by alcohol brands to post advertisements and engage with consumers.
In light of the alcohol industry’s opportunistic advertising through social media, it is questionable how well Australia’s regulatory system protects parents and other targeted populations at risk from exposure to constant encouragements to have alcohol during these challenging times.