Researchers at The Conversation have put together an interactive body map that allows readers to understand the evidence there is for cancer risk associated with different lifestyle behaviors, or consumer goods etc…

Researchers at The Conversation have put together an interactive body map that allows readers to understand the evidence there is for cancer risk associated with different lifestyle behaviors, or consumer goods etc.

The Conversation is an independent platform of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community. Introducing the interactive body map, they write:

Interactive body map

Interactive body map

This body map brings together the evidence on proven cancer causes. Using credible, scientific sources it answers questions about whether alcohol, red meat or sun exposure increase your cancer risk.

Cancer occurs when mutations in a cell’s DNA cause it to replicate without control, invading other tissues. Some cancer-causing mutations can be inherited; others induced, by infection with bacteria or viruses; or by environmental factors such as smoking, sun exposure and eating red meat.

This map’s focus is on induced factors. They are considered “modifiable” because avoiding them lessens your chance of cancer.

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