Welcome to our membership application form. We are excited about your interest in our work and would be happy to welcome you in our global movement.

We offer membership for individuals and all types of civil society organizations free from any ties to the alcohol and tobacco industries. Our membership is diverse and thriving as we consist of child rights organizations, youth NGOs, community-based organizations, national NGOs and professional institutes. 

Our members are the heart and soul of our global social movement. Their values are the compass, their actions are the engine and their experience is the fuel that drives our work for development through alcohol prevention. Together we work on all levels and with the most comprehensive approach tackling alcohol as obstacle to development.

You are most welcome to join the movement, benefit from our expertise and knowledge and contribute to shaping our work.

We offer two membership types for organizations, full or associated; and individual membership. Please see here for the membership fee for each category.

  • Welcome to the membership application form! We are really glad you are interested in becoming part Movendi International and our global social movement for development through alcohol prevention. Below are a few questions and documents for you to upload to initiate the membership application process.
  • Name of the Applicant Organization

    Please provide the official name of your organization. Please spell out the acronym if you are using one and please tell us what your organization's name is in English, too, if the native language is different from English.
  • Support of Movendi International platform

    We are happy about your interest in our work and your commitment to joining our global movement. Our membership is value-driven and the Movendi International platform as enshrined in our constitution provides our value compass. Please indicate of you support our vision, mission, core values and principles.
  • Does your organization promote and foster Movendi International's vision, mission, core values and principles?
  • Does your organization promote a lifestyle free from alcohol and other drugs?
  • Is your organization free from any ties with and funding from the alcohol and tobacco industry?
  • Key Information of Applicant Organization

  • Does your organization have officially approved statutes/ by-laws/ constitution?
  • Please upload your organization's official statutes, by-laws or constitution.
    Max. file size: 499 MB.
  • Is your organization officially registered with your government?
  • Please upload your organization's official government registration certificate.
    Max. file size: 499 MB.
  • Please share with us the social media channels you are using for your organization, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIN, or others.
    Social media channelYour account 
  • Does your organization work with members, volunteers or is it exclusively staff-driven?
  • Please indicate the total number of members your organization has/ volunteers your organization works with/ staff in your organization, for the most recent calendar year.
  • Do you ask your members to make a pledge to live free from alcohol and other drugs?
  • What are the main activities your organization runs (advocacy, prevention, rehabilitation and treatment, community development, Human Rights promotion, countering the alcohol and/ or tobacco industries, etc.)?
  • Please share with us the addresses and information of the contact people you’d like us to communicate with. Thank you.
    NamePositionE-mailTelephoneMobile phoneSocial media 
  • Signature

  • My organization hereby applies for membership in Movendi International. We wish to apply for
  • Legal representative
  • 08/09/2024

  • Please share your logotype with us.
    Max. file size: 499 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • Social media channels

  • Please select the newsletters you’d like to receive regularly.
  • We offer awesome opportunities for you to get involved in our global movement. Please select as many as you are interested in and will make sure to involve you in all the action.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.