Our values, policies and institutions that help us govern the global Movendi movement and that help us manage our economic, political and social affairs.

Our governance structure – grown and refined in over 160 years of existence – shows the deep bottom-up democratic process that governs Movendi International and all our decision-making processes.

Our Vision

Movendi International’s vision is a life for all human beings free to live up to their fullest potential, and free from harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. It’s a world of peace, democracy and justice where free and healthy citizens actively contribute in all levels of society.


The Movendi International Constitution was adopted by the 69th Session of the World Congress of Movendi International in Sigtuna, Sweden, August 6-11, 2018.

And the Movendi International Constitution was adopted by the Extraordinary World Congress on December 14, 2019.

The Movendi International Constitution has its roots in the founding principles and values of 1851, when Movendi was founded as I.O.G.T. in Utica, New York, USA.

Movement Structure

The Strategic Plan

Movendi International works from a theory of change and four-year Strategic Plan.

Movendi movement structure

Coming soon…

Member-Based Expert Core Groups

In Movendi International, we from a bottom-up democratic process. That is why we structure our work in member-based and member-driven expert core groups.

Currently, there are two such core groups, in which the member of the International Board, the office and from among our Member Organisations together work for achieving the goals set out in the Plan of Action.

Rehab Core Group

We conduct our work for treatment, rehabilitation and social services through the Rehab Core Group.

Read more about the Rehab Core Group and Movendi International’s approach to the work here.

Child Rights Core Group

We conduct our work for Child Rights and children’s empowerment through the Junior Core Group.

Read more about the Junior Core Group and our approach to the work here.

World Congress

The World Congress is the highest authority of Movendi International. The Movendi International Member Organisations gather every fourth year to assess the work of the previous period and to decide on new plans, policies and to elect the International Board.

The World Congress elects the International Board: one International President (IP), one International Vice President (IVP) and up to seven Board Members. The International Board appoints from its membership an Administrative Committee (AC).

The International Board is accountable to the World Congress. In-between two World Congress sessions, it is the International Board who leads Movendi International, according to the priorities and guidelines determined by the Member Organisations.

69th World Congress documents

Coming soon…

68th World Congress documents

28 October to 31 October 2014, Cha Am, Thailand

For all delegates to the 68th World Congress: The Agenda and Congress Documents

Please find the Congress documents, without annex, in PDF.

Proxy Vote Authorization Template for download.

World Congress Program Book: Find all the information about what’s going on during the week of the 68th Session of the World Congress – excursions, key note speakers, plenary sessions, social events, the Exhibition of Promising Practices and much more.

Movendi Policy Programs

Movendi International’s advocacy is anchored in policy programs.

More details coming soon…