Statement of solidarity and support to the people of Ukraine

Movendi International expresses unequivocal support for the people of Ukraine

As a global social movement for development, Movendi International is extremely concerned about the current situation in Ukraine. 

Our mission is founded on the core values of human rights and global solidarity, democracy, and peace and sustainable development. Our members work together around the world to promote health and justice and prevent violence and exploitation, to harness the potential of every human being, strengthen communities, and develop societies.

Movendi International strongly condemns Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. We condemn his reasoning for the attacks, the rhetoric of a possible extension of the conflict to other areas and the overall threat that this act of violence poses to the current international order.

We express our deepest sympathy to all people affected by the war, especially the people of Ukraine and our Ukrainian friends, colleagues and partners.

Movendi International emphasizes the importance of ensuring protection of civilians.  We further ask for a swift delivery of humanitarian aid assistance for all civilians, notably so that people with health conditions, including mental health problems can access the care and treatment they urgently need.

Access to health is a fundamental human right and a priority pillar of the humanitarian response. As a member-based non-profit organization with a mission to promote health and development for all by preventing and reducing obstacles such as alcohol and other drugs harm, Movendi International advocates for the safety of all health and humanitarian help providers, who are on the frontlines, caring for the sick and saving lives. We join the World Health Organization in their call to end the war and to not target health facilities.

Movendi International calls for agencies and organisations providing humanitarian aid in the region to receive the support and resources needed to respond to the crisis. We ask our members to consider contributing to organisations providing relief efforts to help civilian casualties and refugees in the region and we applaud all who are helping to mitigate the dire consequences of this invasion.

Movendi International calls for a peaceful resolution and urgent efforts to prevent further harm.

Movendi International Statement, March 3, 2022

Tools, resources for action in support of solidarity, peace, democracy, and development

The Global Shapers Hubs in Ukraine has compiled a resource page called “Real ways you can help Ukraine as a foreigner”. It comprises a list of options for people outside Ukraine to help:

This is a crowdsourced information platform with the most comprehensive list: official funds, requests, materials, etc. The documents are updated live, hourly. Please be aware that it’s a crowdsourced effort, we have limited capacity for quality assurance and can make mistakes. If you see one – let us know and we’ll resolve that.

The United Nations response

In response to Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine which began on February 24, 2022, the United Nations and humanitarian partners are scaling up the delivery of life saving support to people affected by the war.

Guided by the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, humanity and independence, UN staff are working on both sides of the contact line, to provide humanitarian relief to people in need, particularly women, children, elderly people and those with disabilities.

To respond to the humanitarian needs, which are multiplying by the hour, the United Nations launched coordinated humanitarian appeals on March 1; one addressing the needs inside Ukraine, and the other seeking to support those crossing the country’s borders.

Donate to the United Nations or its agencies that are dedicated to respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine.

Stay updated about the situation

Updates from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Ukraine civil casualties updates from OHCHR on UN Country Team in Ukraine website.

Stay up to date about the Ukraine refugee situation with the interactive map of UNHCR.

Updates from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on nuclear safety, security and safeguards implications of the conflict in Ukraine as a result of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24.

The World Health Organization has issued the first situation report on the “Emergency in Ukraine” on March 5, 2022. It includes event highlights, a situation update, and WHO actions to date.

Follow the latest developments in the Security Council and General Assembly.

Information from the source: Ukrainian media channels

Support independent Ukrainian journalism

The Kyiv Independent is Ukraine’s English-language media outlet, created by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence.

The Kyiv Post, Ukraine’s global voice, went silent on Nov. 8, 2021, days after celebrating the 26th year of its uninterrupted run. The publication was shut down by the owner in his attempt to take full control of the newsroom that has always followed the principle of editorial independence. 

Yet, the editorial team of the independent Kyiv Post refused to be silenced. On Nov. 11, 2021, over 30 ex-Kyiv Post employees decided to continue the Kyiv Post’s legacy by launching a new publication – the Kyiv Independent.

The Kyiv Independent provides fair and reliable news on a variety of topics. From Russia’s war against Ukraine and disinformation campaigns to the ongoing pandemic and medical procurement, from human rights in occupied Donbas and Crimea to reforms in Kyiv, nothing will escape the view of the Kyiv Independent.

Make your contribution by hiring a Ukrainian talent

UA talents is a job platform for displaced persons from and within Ukraine. On UA Talents, companies from all over Europe can advertise their job openings to people from Ukraine who have lost their employment due to the war.

UA talents consists of a team of volunteers, IT entrepreneurs, and experts from Ukraine that live abroad and want to contribute to support the livelihood of Ukrainian refugees and their families.

Donate to the humanitarian effort

There are multiple ways to make donations to the humanitarian efforts. A full list of options is here.

Send humanitarian supplies

UA AID Center is an informational portal, where all the aid collection centers are being listed.

Their lists are updated every day according to the municipal requests they receive from official representatives. 

Medical items

  • Military first aid kits (IFAK)
  • Tourniquets
  • Bandage materials
  • Flu shots
  • Hemostatic drugs
  • Medical equipment and apparatus
  • Surgical instruments
  • Anesthesia-breathing apparatus
  • Ventilation devices
  • Infusion racks
  • Field hospitals
  • Turnstiles


  • Dried food
  • Vitamins
  • Preserves, boxes (canned meat and vegetables)
  • Groceries
  • Energy drinks
  • Sweets with a high energy
  • Packaged tea and coffee
  • Dry cakes, cookies
  • Canned beans ready to eat
  • Fast cooking noodles 

Try to pack all the goods of any type in a way that allows them to go through all the logistics stages and reach Ukraine undamaged. Mark the package by writing what’s inside and how much. Write “FOR UKRAINE”, “UKRAINE SUPPORT”, “UA AID’’.

Join a protest in your city

Express solidarity with all people affected by the war, especially the people of Ukraine. Give voice in support of peace, democracy and freedom for all people. Join a protest in your city.

Here is the list of protests globally, compiled by a group of climate activists from around the world. Along with other supporters, they created this project spontaneously in order to make protest around the world visible.

This page provides a guide with concrete steps for how to create “Stop Putin” events.

Sign the petition

Petition on Terminate relationships with any companies with Russia ties

This petition asks all world businesses to immediately stop any business transactions with companies having any ties to Russian-paying citizens or entities.

Petition on Recognize Putin’s regime as war criminals

This petition appeals to mankind and the governments of all countries, which stand for democratic values, human rights, and international law, to recognize Putin as war criminal.

What Europeans can do more

  • Reduce heating
    • Reduce your thermostat by 3 degree Celcius. Dress warmly and cuddle up if needed. If you can, switch the heating off completely. Use gas and electricity for essential activities only. Post about it.
  • Get in touch with local refugee organisations
    • Help make refugees feel welcome, safe, and sheltered. Offer any room that you can spare. Provide food, clothes, other essentials, and voluntary support for welcoming and taking care of refugees. Triple-check before donating any money or stuff.
  • Boycott Russian businesses
    • Find out what Russian businesses are active in your country. Boycot them. Post about it. No hate or violence, but sending a clear message to the owners and oligarchs in Russia. Increasing pressure on Putin and his cronies.
  • Stop Russian Lobbying
    • All major Russian companies and oligarchs have their law and lobby firms in your nation’s capital. Find out. Call those firms to drop their clients. Post about it.
  • Pressure your politicians
    • If you feel that your country could do more, get in touch with your political representatives. Tell them you are willing to be cold. Tell them this is important to you. Urge them to act now! Post about it.

The United Nations’ humanitarian response

Before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, UN humanitarian agencies were reaching three million people in the east. The UN system is now working to expand and scale up those programmes, and establish new operations wherever they are needed, across the country.

The UN has launched two coordinated UN emergency appeals calling for US$1.7 billion to help people across Ukraine and beyond:

  1. Within Ukraine, $1.1 billion to meet the escalating humanitarian needs of more than six million people affected and displaced by military operations over the next three months.
  2. Outside the country, $551 million to help Ukrainians who have fled across borders, principally to Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

The UN welcome the generous outpouring of about $1.5 billion of support to the humanitarian relief efforts, including the inter-agency appeals. This is among the fastest and most generous responses a humanitarian flash appeal has ever received.

Ukraine Flash Appeal: Humanitarian Programme Cycle March – May 2022

The Flash Appeal asks for $1.1 billion to assist 6 million people inside Ukraine for an initial three months. The programme includes multipurpose cash assistance for the most vulnerable people, food assistance, water and sanitation, support to health care and education services, and shelter assistance to rebuild damaged homes.

Regional Refugee Response Plan

This inter-agency Regional Refugee Response Plan outlines the comprehensive response and activities to support countries’s efforts to protect and assist refugees coming from Ukraine. It includes the initial financial requirements of 12 partners (including UN agencies, national and international non-governmental organizations and civil society) for six months, working in tandem with concerned host Governments.

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Now in its eighth year, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has left 3.4 million people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance and protection. The COVID-19 pandemic has further strained people’s vulnerability, making them more dependent on the provision of humanitarian assistance and protection services.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

In Ukraine, UNHCR has been working since 1994 to protect the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons. Achievements include support to the development of national legislation relating to the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons. UNHCR Ukraine has contributed to an effective asylum system in Ukraine, and also provided humanitarian assistance.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF supports health, nutrition, HIV prevention, education, safe drinking water, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The UN call on all sides to recommit to the ceasefire.

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

For decades, UNFPA has worked with authorities and partners in Ukraine to expand access to reproductive health and protection services for the hardest-to-reach people through mobile health clinics and specialized spaces and services for women and girls at risk of or being subjected to violence. UNFPA remains on the ground and is preparing to increase operational capacity to deliver life-saving sexual and reproductive health services and supplies.

World Food Programme (WFP)

The World Food Programme is launching an emergency operation to provide food assistance for people fleeing the conflict inside Ukraine and in neighbouring countries, following an official request from the country’s Government.

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

IOM has been in Ukraine since 1996 and is committed to staying and delivering vital assistance to those fleeing the country, the internally displaced, migrants and third-country nationals. The UN stand ready to respond to the emerging humanitarian needs in the country and the region.