The “Inspire Freedom – Together for women and girls – every 25th” is our community action campaign to promote the rights of girls and women and to end gender-based violence, by preventing alcohol violence. In doing so we contribute to a life set free for all girls and women.
We inspire freedom through local actions and we do it together in our global movement of Movendi International – from Reykjavik to New Delhi, to Nairobi, Mexico City and Bangkok.
This Comunity Action Guide to Inspire Freedom provides a clockwork of activities – different actions that drive and support each other like cogwheels. It offers all participants opportunities to combine them as they see fit.
Clockwork of actions
We provide five different types of actions:
- Mixing the Magic Drink and giving it out
- Taking photos and Pasting photos
- Organizing a flash mob
- Rallying support by collecting signatures
- Advocacy meetings on all levels.
These five different actions offer plenty of creative combinations to mix and match them, as you see fits your local needs, and conditions: e.g. by combining the Magic Drink action with a Silent Disco flashmob; or the signature collection action with the photo taking activity.
Another brilliant aspect is that each action and each creative combination of actions are easy to implement because they do not demand lots of resources, long planning and many people to help. If you’re on your own, you can be a champion of the Inspire Freedom Campaign as much as if you are a small local group or a huge national NGO.
The clockwork of activities allows you to choose what you are capabale of doing and to implement it according to your resources.
The basic point is: it is the grass roots that matter most. So that each action and each combination of actions can be adjusted to culture and local needs, to allow for local conditions to determine what activity you run and how you implement them.