Almost done! Our new website is now under final development, and we are still working out some bugs and finalizing the content. If you have any issues, send an e-mail to Maik!
We are the premier global network for evidence-based policy solutions and community-based interventions to prevent and reduce harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. Driven by the commitment and expertise of our members, Movendi International engages in high-level advocacy.

We have special consultative status with ECOSOC. We are in official relations with WHO.

With nearly 170 years worth of advocacy experience, Movendi International is the voice for comprehensive and sustainable policy solutions concerning current and complex health, development, Human Rights and economic issues.We work hand in hand with decision-makers and opinion leaders around the world. Together we facilitate transformative change and drive sustainable solutions to some of the world’s most most pressing challenges.

Our advocacy seeks to help achieve a life for all human beings free to live up to their fullest potential, and free from harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. It’s a world of peace, democracy and justice where free and healthy citizens actively contribute in all levels of society.