COVID-19 and alcohol: Community concern
Alcohol harm is pervasive, affecting people and communities around the world. But the coronavirus pandemic has even magnified alcohol harms, putting even more children, women, families and communities at greater risk.
These are some of the people and their communities who are directly affected. Here is a glimpse of their stories from the grass-roots.
COVID-19 and alcohol: Community voices of concern highlights how alcohol impacts individuals, families and communities around the world, and how COVID-19 is impacting on people’s alcohol use and associated harms.
The alcohol issues that local people are concerned about during the pandemic are many:
- more aggressive alcohol marketing,
- more alcohol consumption in the home,
- increasing online sales and on-demand home delivery,
- increasing exposure of children to alcohol and earlier initiation to alcohol use,
- rising alcohol-related family violence,
- scarcity of care and treatment services for people with alcohol use problems,
- COVID-washing by the alcohol industry, and
- that the gains in reducing the alcohol burden would be reversed.
This video also shows that there is a global community addressing alcohol harms during COVID-19 because if we work together we can make sure our communities stay healthy and safe.
We are #InThisTogether.
20 contributors, 15 partner organizations from 14 countries.
- Alcohol Control and Policy Network (ACPN), Kenya
- Alcohol and Drug Information Centre(ADIC), Sri Lanka
- Alcohol Justice, USA
- Centar za Omladinski Rad (CZOR), Serbia
- Edru Livstil, Norway
- Hope and Beyond, Uganda
- Institute of Leadership and Development (INSLA), Ghana
- Institute for Research and Development “Utrip”, Slovenia
- International Aid Services (IAS), Uganda
- Sober Girl Society, UK
- Student Campaign Against Drugs (SCAD), Kenya
- Stop Drink Network, Thailand
- Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), Uganda
- Women and Child Vision (WOCHIVI), Tanzania
- Youth against Alcohol Abuse and Drug Dependency (YADD), Zimbabwe