Movendi means Life Set Free.
The Movendi brand stands for the lifestyle of the 21st century. We empower people to live a richer and freer, happier and healthier life.
Our membership concept is founded on promoting healthy lifestyle choices by our own examples.
We are a worldwide community of non-governmental organizations, made up of heart-driven people of all ages regardless of gender, colour, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, social position or political persuasion
- Who live for and promote by their own example a life free of alcohol and other drugs,
- Who are passionate about helping other people find pure joy of life, and
- Who are taking the lead with regard to promoting a lifestyle of dedication and participation in making our communities and societies better.
The lifestyle of the 21st century is about living free from alcohol and other drugs. But it doesn’t stop there. A rich and free lifestyle is not only about the absence of harmful substances and behaviors. A richer and freer life is also about how to endow it with meaning and live up to one’s full potential – it’s about dreams, opportunities, community, choices and commitment. That’s what we call Life Set Free.
The lifestyle of the 21st century is all about leading a self-determined life, a fulfilled life, a conscious and compassionate life and a healthy life – dedicated to making the world a better place through our own actions every day and in community with our fellow humans, locally and globally.