We publish scientific articles covering issues related to alcohol policy making, in order to contribute to the evidence base and public conversation on the harm related to alcohol, the alcohol industry and how to best address them.
Alcohol Or Health
Alcohol and older people, 2018/ 2019
A research article from the series “Alcohol and society” produced by IOGT-NTO, the Swedish Society of Medicine, The Centre for Education and Research on Addiction (CERA) at the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish Society of Nursing and the Foundation Ansvar för Framtiden, in collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists in the field.
Alcohol and violence, 2017/ 2018
A research article from the series “Alcohol and society” produced by IOGT-NTO, the Swedish Society of Medicine, The Centre for Education and Research on Addiction (CERA) at the University of Gothenburg and the Foundation Ansvar för Framtiden, in collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists in the field.
Alcohol and cancer, 2016/ 2017
A research report from the series “Alcohol and society” produced by IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, in collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists in the field.
Second-hand effects of alcohol consumption, 2015/2016
A research report from the series “Alcohol and Society” produced by IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, in collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists in the field.
The effects of low-dose alcohol consumption, 2014
A research report from the series “Alcohol and Society” produced by IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, in collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists in the field.
Youth and young adults, 2013
A research report from the series “Alcohol and Society” produced by IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, in collaboration with some of the world’s leading scientists in the field.
Malawi – a best practice in alcohol policy development
When properly formulated and implemented, a national alcohol policy can have a significant impact on the health and welfare of the population. This is the starting point of the WHO and FORUT publication “National Alcohol Policy Development; Best Practice – Malawi’s Experience”.
Alcohol and HIV/AIDS. Thematic paper by FORUT
There is a growing body of evidence on the linkages between alcohol use and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Addressing alcohol use as a risk factor may enhance the results of both new and already existing HIV/AIDS programmes.
Unrecorded alcohol
This paper gives an introduction to how the problem of unrecorded alcohol consumption can be understood and how it can be addressed; by communities, governments and NGOs.
Reducing alcohol harm: things we can do
This booklet is not about theory, but effective action does require accurate understanding of issues. This is the starting point for this user’s guide to addressing alcohol harm in local settings.
Men drink, women suffer – also in Malawi
The new documentation on substance abuse in Malawi is produced by the Centre for Social Research in Zomba, Malawi and the Norwegian research institute SINTEF Health. The purpose of the study has been to get a better understanding of how local communities, and women in particular experience, alcohol and other drug problems. The material is a qualitative study, with comprehensive interviews of 36 informants, men and women, in a rural and an urban area.
Alcohol Obstacle To Development
Happy Hour In Paradise
On alcohol and tourism in Thailand, Cambodia and the rest of the world
Alcohol and Development
Alcohol use is related to a broad range of health problems, as well as social problems. Alcohol represents a serious obstacle to development in many low- and middle income countries.
Alcohol and Poverty: some connections
In this paper explores the complex connections between alcohol and poverty. Alcohol has diverse influences on people’s economic status while economic status in turn affects alcohol use in many ways.
Book: Strategies to address alcohol problems
The book is a tool to achieve better results in alcohol prevention highly relevant in developing countries, as well as countries with a Western alcohol norm.
Health and Development Book: Alcohol – Health Risk and Development Issue
In chapter four, “Alcohol: Health Risk and Development Issue“, Øystein Bakke poses the question if alcohol consumption and relatedproblems are just part of the framework of conditions within which development activities have to work, or are these patterns part of what development can and needs to change.
Big Alcohol Exposed
In a study published in the January issue of Addiction, authors Øystein Bakke and Dag Endal found that that alcohol policy documents from the four African countries were almost identical, and were likely based on a single source document that reflects alcohol industry interests.
Addiction is a monthly international scientific journal publishing more than 2000 pages every year.