Our T-shirts are provided by a swedish company Topline. Read more about their approach to sustainability and child rights:
Environmental, social and ethical responsibility permeates all aspects of Topline’s work. We have an active and committed approach to sustainability. Our goal is to contribute to sustainable development both locally and globally. We care about the individual and about being a responsive, accessible client and employer.
Topline has clear goals in terms of growth and profitability and contributes to the development of society by offering jobs and efficient solutions to companies and organisations. In our quality assurance work includes complying with society’s agreements, laws and regulations and ensuring that we have and comply with the necessary permits, licences and the like.
We work to reduce purchases of environmentally hazardous products and, where possible, replace them with more environmentally friendly alternatives. We constantly strive to prevent pollution, reduce emissions and other environmental damage, and improve environmental performance throughout a product’s life cycle.
Our suppliers must comply with all applicable legislation in the country where manufacturing and operations take place. Suppliers shall systematically work to reduce any negative environmental impact of their operations and continuously improve their environmental performance.
Topline never works directly with factories abroad but through wholesalers or agents. These ensure that manufacturing and production is carried out in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the EU Environmental Directives via agreements between us and our partners. Checks are carried out on an ongoing basis by our partners and together with them we evaluate all suppliers annually.