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Oct 15 '16 - Oct 16 '16

“We must have done something right”

Youth alcohol use is going down. That promising and somewhat surprising development in Nordic countries, which traditionally a have evidence-based, high-impact alcohol policy regulations. Similar trends are reported in the UK, in Australia, and Japan.

We must have done something right. But what exactly? What lies behind these positive changes? What are the main drivers and factors why the group of abstaining teenagers is growing?


The conference programm is focusing almost entirely on one topic – youth alcohol use.

Conference participants will hear from the main studies – ESPAD and HBCS and will interact with different experts explaining why and how different infuences have brought the changes about.


Oct 15 '16
Oct 16 '16


Thon Hotel Vika Atrium, Munkedamsveien, Oslo, Norway
Thon Hotel Vika Atrium, Munkedamsveien, Oslo, Norway United States