A new survey finds that retail stores place 60% of alcohol ads within two feet of their candy aisles, clearly targeting children and youth. According to a recent survey conducted by the Non-profit group La Center United, six in 10 stores surveyed had alcohol ads within two feet of youth-oriented aisles…

A new survey found that 10 retail stores place 60% of alcohol ads within two feet of their candy aisles, clearly targeting children and youth. According to a recent study conducted by La Center United, six in ten retail stores surveyed placed alcohol ads within two feet of youth-oriented aisles like the candy aisle.

La Center United is an Non-profit in Washington State, USA, that has been running a statewide campaign to prevent kids from early onset of alcohol use. The campaign reports that stores performed better than in previous years, but still 60% of those surveyed had alcohol advertisement placed in the vicinity of areas often more attractive to and more frequented by children and young people. Additionally the survey found that all too many advertisements were placed on levels lower than three feet – another obvious indication that stores are targeting children and youth.

The 2015 Washington State Community Assessment of Neighborhood Stores (CANS) form can be downloaded by any community group that would like to  participate in the survey.

Evidence from around the world shows that alcohol advertising causes young people to take up alcohol use and makes those who already consume alcohol, use more alcohol. The more alcohol ads young people are exposed to, the higher is the probability that they will start using alcohol.

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