In this community cohort, 1 in 25 youth had self-harmed in the year prior; of these, 4 in 5 did not repeat DSH over the following year. High alcohol use stands out as a strong and significant risk factor for DSH repetition. Assessing alcohol use may help clinicians identify those who are at greatest risk for repetitive self-harm.

High alcohol use a strong and significant risk factor for repetitive self-harm in female and male youth: a prospective cohort study.

Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is reported by between 5% to 17% of youth between 14 to 25 years of age. Current management measures focus on repetition prevention in high-risk groups.

In this community cohort, 1 in 25 youth had self-harmed in the year prior; of these, 4 in 5 did not repeat DSH over the following year. High alcohol use stands out as a strong and significant risk factor for DSH repetition. Assessing alcohol use may help clinicians identify those who are at greatest risk for repetitive self-harm.

Study citation:

Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2015 Sep;41(5):465-73. doi: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1062023.
High alcohol use a strong and significant risk factor for repetitive self-harm in female and male youth: a prospective cohort study.
Martiniuk AL, Chen HY, Glozier N, Patton G, Senserrick T, Williamson A, Woodward M, Ivers R.

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