The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) has launched a new awareness campaign on alcohol harms, “Live Better, Drink Less”, that will be rolled out during the rest of November and December 2021.

Alcohol is causally linked to more than 200 health conditions, ranging from liver diseases and cancer to cardiovascular problems and tuberculosis. Alcohol use is also a contributing factor to socio-economic issues like domestic violence and unemployment. 

Across the Americas, someone dies from alcohol-related causes every ten seconds. 

The truth is: alcohol gets in the way of living a healthier life, but by simply reducing your consumption, many of the alcohol-related health conditions can be reduced.

Alcohol awareness resources

Many health and social issues can be mitigated by reducing alcohol use.

If you need resources on how to live better and consume less alcohol or quit, PAHO provides them with the new campaign.

Join the launch of “Pahola: PAHO’s First Digital Health Specialist on Alcohol Use” on Friday, November 19, 2021, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am (EST).

SAFER is a World Health Organization initiative and technical package to help governments prevent and reduce alcohol harm.

“SAFER” is an acronym for the 5 most cost effective interventions to reduce alcohol related harm, promote health, and achieve the development goals.

View the Alcohol or Health fact sheets series by PAHO.

The Alcohol or Health fact sheets series presents information on a variety of topics such as how alcohol use affects sleep, its impact on the brain, and alcohol’s link to specific diseases and injuries. 

Source Website: PAHO