How Dependent is the Alcohol Industry on Heavy Drinking in England?
Research article
To understand the extent of the alcohol industry’s financial dependence on drinking [using alcohol] above government low‐risk guidelines in England.
Scenario modelling using descriptive analyses of pooled data from the 2013 and 2014 waves of two nationally representative surveys: the Health Survey for England (HSE) and the Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF). The study estimated the proportion of alcohol sales revenue accounted for by drinkers [alcohol users] above guideline levels, and how this varies between different beverage and retailer types. The study then estimated the impact on sales revenue if the entire population reduced their drinking [alcohol use] to within guideline levels, as well as the average price increases necessary to compensate for such a loss of revenue.
A total of 16 872 individual (HSE) and 9975 household (LCF) survey respondents.
Transaction‐level estimates of volume of alcohol purchased and price paid by beverage type and trade sector.
Those drinking [using alcohol] above guideline levels are estimated to account for 68% of total alcohol sales revenue in 2013/14: 81% of off‐trade revenue and 60% of on‐trade revenue. This represents 77% of beer, 70% of cider, 66% of wine and 50% of spirits sales value. The heaviest drinking [alcohol use] 4% of the population account for 30% of all consumption and 23% of all industry revenue. If all consumers reduced their drinking [alcohol use] to within guideline levels, alcohol sales revenue could decline by 38% (£13 billion). To mitigate this loss, average prices paid would have to rise substantially—for example, by £2.64 for a pint of on‐trade beer or £12.25 for a 70 cl bottle of off‐trade spirits.
In England, the alcohol industry appears to be highly financially dependent upon heavy drinking [alcohol use], and might face significant financial losses were consumers to drink [use alcohol] within guideline levels.